Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday, August 28th

Correct Page 14 problems 1-20.

Cover Blog Site

Introduce IXL Site - I will be handing out your usernames and passwords.  Please put these into your planners so that you have them at all times.

Lesson:  Order of Operations

Key vocabulary

  • numerical expression  - a mathematical phrase that includes only numbers and operational symbols

  • simplify -  find the value

  • order of operations - the correct procedure to follow when more than one operation occurs in a numerical expression.

    1. Perform operations in parentheses
    2. Find the values of numbers with exponents
    3. Multiply or divide from left to right as ordered in the problem.
    4. Add or subtract from left to right as ordered in the problem.
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Assignment:  P. 20 problems 8 - 21

IXL        E.1 Write multiplication expressions using exponents
Students must get to at least 85 on all IXL assignments.